Arizona Industrial Flow Measurement Resource - Flow Technology

Better Technology. Flow Technology pioneered advanced signal conditioning techniques that improve flow metering accuracy and repeatability. We offer expert flowmeter R&D, production and calibration at our new, state-of-the-art facility in Tempe, Arizona USA.
Better Products. We offer the industry’s most precise turbine and PD flowmeters, as well as the equipment required for a complete flow measurement system. In most cases, our meters can be installed in the space vacated by products offered by Cox, Hoffer, Exact and other vendors. Why settle for second place? Move up to Flow Technology.
Better Service. Our proven application engineering expertise guarantees the right solution — regardless of the job. Plus, we can calibrate other manufacturers meters to the highest level of accuracy and repeatability. Better Delivery. Having trouble working with your current flowmeter supplier? Flow Technology is a trusted source for a wide range of flow measurement products. We promise fast turnaround time, dependable delivery, and 100% customer satisfaction.