Flow Calibration Systems Gaining Industry Recognition In Metrology Field

Major government, military and industrial users recognize the necessity of a recurring, well-documented flowmeter calibration program in maintaining ISO 9001 quality standards and supporting other internal QA/QC initiatives. These users are increasingly turning to Flow Technology’s large selection of flow calibration equipment to meet their metrology needs. Offering one of the industry’s largest selections of calibration equipment, Flow Technology’s products include the compact, computer-assisted Microtrak/Omnitrak liquid calibrator, the Autobell Prover gas calibration system and the portable, economical Flow Transfer Standard.
Flow Technology’s dependable, high-accuracy, primary standard flow calibrators can be used to calibrate essentially all types of flowmeters. They are designed to precisely determine the actual volume of fluid measured by a meter, regardless of its viscosity or density. More and more, Flow Technology’s calibration products and services are employed across the globe – from the production facilities of leading instrumentation manufacturers, to the test labs of international standards organizations. According to Ladd Howell, calibration marketing manager, Our customers recognize our calibration experience, and know we have solutions for their flow calibration challenges. Howell continued, the fact that we’ve sold more primary standard flow calibrators than any other manufacturer really says something.
Flow Technology maintains more than 20 different high-precision flow calibration systems at its calibration laboratory in Tempe, Arizona. One of the largest facilities of its kind in the industry, this lab allows Flow Technology to perform calibrations for most common types of fluid flow measurement devices. Systems can also be supplied to customers seeking to establish onsite calibration capabilities. A cost-saving new offering allows Flow Technology to provide and maintain flowmeter calibration equipment and trained metrology personnel, on a permanent basis, for customers at their facilities.