Optional Pressure Port Now Available on FT Series Turbine Flow Meters

Based on feedback from customers involved with thermal management in electric vehicles and on-vehicle testing programs, Flow Technology offers an optional pressure port tap to the FT Series turbine flow meter.
Precise measurement is needed for proper thermal management system design and optimization, and typically involves hundreds of sensors for pressure, temperature, and flow. Each sensor fitting is a potential leak point, and installation space on the the vehicle is at a premium.
Adding a sensor or flow meter meant each fitting had to be welded and x-ray inspected for leakage. Several customers started using combination pressure and temperature transducers to reduce the number leak points and installation costs, and asked Flow Technology to add the pressure port so they could be combined in a single location. The pressure port freed up space and time in addition to installation costs.
The optional pressure port also:
- Simplifies plumbing for proper upstream/downstream flow paths
- Can be assembled on the bench before installation on-vehicle
- Has no noticeable effect on flow accuracy
Combining the FT Series turbine flow meter with optional pressure port and the microLinK Smart Pickoff gives the advantage of compact size, multiple fluid profiles, temperature compensation, and linearization, as well as multiple simultaneous outputs including CAN Open 2.0.

About Flow Technology LLC
With over 60 years of flow measurement experience, FTI Flow Technology LLC maintains the highest standards of quality in its design, manufacturing and service. Its product line includes a wide range of turbine, positive displacement, electromagnetic, in-line and clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters; flow calibrators, flow controllers and ancillary electronics. Typical applications are found in the aerospace, automotive, industrial, metrology, oil & gas, and sanitary markets. In addition, the company maintains one of the world’s largest primary standard flow meter calibration laboratories, and provides complete flow meter calibration, service and repair. FTI Flow Technology LLC is registered to ISO 9001 & AS9100, accredited by NVLAP, and has calibration conformance to ISO/IEC 17025, MIL-STD-45662A and ANSI Z 540.